Statler Family Obituaries

Baugh, Zachariah Frank

~Dies Suddenly After Visit To Old Home Here~

Frank Baugh, one time widely known citizen here, died suddenly at his home in Hot Springs, Ark., early Sunday morning from unknown causes. He was not known to be suffering from any ailment and retired about midnight without complaint. When discovered by his wife an hour later he was in a dying condition and expired before a physician reached him.

Mr. Baugh visited here several months ago for the first time in several years, and two weeks ago was called here on account of the fatal illness of his daughter, Mrs. Myrtle Hitt. He was a native of Ste. Genevieve County and came to Jackson when about 17 years of age. He first united in marriage with Miss Estelle Roussell of this city, who died some 30 years ago. By this marriage, he leaves one son, Clyde Baugh, of Jackson. He next married Miss Lulu Tooke, also of this county. He would have been 69 years of age on May 9th.

While living in Jackson he worked for many years in the local flour mills. He possessed a happy disposition and earned a large number of friends here, and seemed to enjoy a return visit to his old haunts.
He moved from Jackson about 18 years ago, first to Oran, later to Texas, but for several years past has resided in Hot Springs, Ark., where he operated a meat market. Recently he has been following the carpenter trade. He is survived by his widow, and five children by his last marriage, and 13 grandchildren.

Funeral services were held in Hot Springs, Tuesday.

Obituary found at the Find A Grave website and was printed in the Cashbook newspaper, Jackson, Missouri.

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©2008 by David Statler of StatlerWeb
Last Updated: November 08, 2010