Statler Family Obituaries

Blaylock, Elizabeth J. (nee Cashion)

May 1900----Perryville, Missouri

Died at her home near Millheim, on last Wednesday night Mrs. Thomas Blaylock, at the ripe age of 89 years. She was one among the oldest of the femaine sex of this county and had many friends. She had been failing for the last few years and her death was due to old age. She was born in Franklin county, North Carolina, in the year of 1811. she immigrated to this county when but sixteen years of age. She was married to Thomas Blaylock in 1827, and settled on a farm near Millheim. To this union were born 12 children of which five still survive her. She was a good woman and a devout Methodist. She leaves 5 children, 23 grand children, 52 great grand children and besides a host of relatives and friends to mourn her departure. Her remains were laid to rest in the Mount Pleasant Cemetery last Thursday evening.

(Mount Pleasant Cemetery also known as Campground) (Shares a tombstone with husband which reads Elizabeth J., his wife, born 9 June 1812 and died 16 May 1900, age 87 years, 11 M., 7 D)


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Last Updated: November 08, 2010