Statler Family Obituaries

Niblack, Joseph


Jackson, Mo., Nov. 17 - Joseph Niblack, one of the most widely known older citizens of this community, was found dead in a clearing on the Louis Koch farm, now owned by F.F. Braun of Cape Girardeau, Tuesday afternoon. He had apparently been dead 24 hours, and must have passed away suddenly, as there was on indication of a struggle where he was found. He had been working in the timber with an axe, and had fallen on the axe when stricken.

As he lived alone, no one thought of there being anything amiss with the elderly man, until Mr. Braun, while walking over his lands, found the body. Coroner E.R. Schoen being absent, John G. Putz was called to view the body, and it was not found necessary to hold an inquest, there being no indication of any violence and all surroundings indicated a natural death. The isolated spot where death overtook him is located about 200 yards north of the Bainbridge road at the Fred Sheper place, not far from the Alex Smith farm. Niblack had been given permission to chop all the wood he wanted on the Braun place, and was engaged in that work when the end came. Early in the morning of Monday he was seen by a neighbor who talked to him, and that is the last time he was seen alive. He had been suffering from diseased heart for some time.

Joe Niblack, as everyone here knew him, was born on what is now the Daly farm at the southern limits of the city of Jackson, February 5, 1856. He lived in this vicinity all his life. Early in life he was married to Sarah Sullinger and after her death married Mrs. Mary Green, who passed away in the spring of 1924. Left to mourn his death, are one son, William, of St. Louis; one sister, Mrs. Lilly Baugh of Sikeston, and three grandchildren, also numerous more distant relatives.

Funeral arrangements were not completed Wednesday morning, awaiting word from the son in St. Louis.


Obituary found at the Find A Grave website and was printed in the November 1926 edition of the Southeast Missourian newspaper.

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Last Updated: November 08, 2010