Statler Family Obituaries

Shell, Mary Susan (nee Collins)

Mrs. Mary Susan Shell, wife of D. W. Shell, died of pneumonia, October 29, 1905, at her home in Wayne County, MO, at the age of 59 years, 8 months and 2 days. She leaves a devoted husband, five loving children and a host of friends and relatives to mourn their loss. Sister Shell was converted and joined the Baptist Church at about the age of 20, and lived a devoted Christian life until her death. This writer preached her funeral sermon to a large congregation of sorrowing friends and relatives at Brush Creek Church, after which her remains were deposited in the grave to await the resurrection. J. C. Hambee


Source:  Vol. 4, Bollinger County, MO Newspaper Abstracts from Marble Hill Press, 1/5/19005-6/27/1907, by Jane Purcell Reilly
Submitted by:  Ed Cline

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Last Updated: November 08, 2010